Service Instances API

Delete a Service Instance

DELETE /v2/service_instances/:guid



DELETE /v2/service_instances/1aaeb02d-16c3-4405-bc41-80e83d196dff?accepts_incomplete=true


Name Description Valid Values Example Values
accepts_incomplete Set to `true` if the client allows asynchronous service instance deletion. The cloud controller may respond before the service is ready for use.
  • true
  • false
purge Recursively remove a service instance and child objects from Cloud Foundry database without making requests to a service broker. The user must have the cloud_controller.admin scope on their OAuth token in order to perform a purge.
  • true
  • false
recursive Will delete service bindings, service keys, and routes associated with the service instance.
  • true
  • false
async Will run the delete request in a background job. Recommended: 'true'.
  • true
  • false
accepts_incomplete: true


Authorization: bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoidWFhLWlkLTE0OSIsImVtYWlsIjoiZW1haWwtMTA0QHNvbWVkb21haW4uY29tIiwic2NvcGUiOlsiY2xvdWRfY29udHJvbGxlci5hZG1pbiJdLCJhdWQiOlsiY2xvdWRfY29udHJvbGxlciJdLCJleHAiOjE0NjYwMDg4ODl9.vWVvvkOewrAeKpldg748VmgzyLIEoihifT-OrtwTXAM
Content-Type: application/json


curl "https://api.[]/v2/service_instances/1aaeb02d-16c3-4405-bc41-80e83d196dff?accepts_incomplete=true" -d '' -X DELETE \
	-H "Authorization: bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoidWFhLWlkLTE0OSIsImVtYWlsIjoiZW1haWwtMTA0QHNvbWVkb21haW4uY29tIiwic2NvcGUiOlsiY2xvdWRfY29udHJvbGxlci5hZG1pbiJdLCJhdWQiOlsiY2xvdWRfY29udHJvbGxlciJdLCJleHAiOjE0NjYwMDg4ODl9.vWVvvkOewrAeKpldg748VmgzyLIEoihifT-OrtwTXAM" \
	-H "Host:" \
	-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
	-H "Cookie: "



202 Accepted


Name Description Valid Values Example Values
name The human-readable name of the service instance.
credentials The service broker-provided credentials to use this service.
service_plan_guid The service plan GUID that this service instance is utilizing.
space_guid The space GUID that this service instance belongs to.
dashboard_url The service broker-provided URL to access administrative features of the service instance. May be null.
type The type of service instance.
  • managed_service_instance
  • user_provided_service_instance
last_operation The status of the last operation requested on the service instance. May be null.
last_operation.type The type of operation that was last performed or currently being performed on the service instance
  • create
  • update
  • delete
last_operation.state The status of the last operation or current operation being performed on the service instance.
  • in progress
  • succeeded
  • failed
last_operation.description The service broker-provided description of the operation. May be null.
last_operation.updated_at The timestamp that the Cloud Controller last checked the service instance state from the broker.
space_url The relative path to the space resource that this service instance belongs to.
service_plan_url The relative path to the service plan resource that this service instance belongs to.
service_binding_url The relative path to the service bindings that this service instance is bound to.
routes_url Routes bound to the service instance. Requests to these routes will be forwarded to the service instance.
shared_from_url Source information for a shared service instance. Users of a shared service instance can find out its space and org information.
shared_to_url Information about where the service instance instance has been shared to.
tags A list of tags for the service instance
  "metadata": {
    "guid": "1aaeb02d-16c3-4405-bc41-80e83d196dff",
    "url": "/v2/service_instances/1aaeb02d-16c3-4405-bc41-80e83d196dff",
    "created_at": "2016-06-08T16:41:29Z",
    "updated_at": "2016-06-08T16:41:26Z"
  "entity": {
    "name": "name-1502",
    "credentials": {
      "creds-key-37": "creds-val-37"
    "service_plan_guid": "8ea19d29-2e20-469e-8b91-917a6410e2f2",
    "space_guid": "dd68a2ba-04a3-4125-99ea-643b96e07ef6",
    "gateway_data": null,
    "dashboard_url": null,
    "type": "managed_service_instance",
    "last_operation": {
      "type": "delete",
      "state": "in progress",
      "description": "",
      "updated_at": "2016-06-08T16:41:29Z",
      "created_at": "2016-06-08T16:41:29Z"
    "tags": [
    "maintenance_info": {},
    "space_url": "/v2/spaces/dd68a2ba-04a3-4125-99ea-643b96e07ef6",
    "service_plan_url": "/v2/service_plans/8ea19d29-2e20-469e-8b91-917a6410e2f2",
    "service_bindings_url": "/v2/service_instances/1aaeb02d-16c3-4405-bc41-80e83d196dff/service_bindings",
    "service_keys_url": "/v2/service_instances/1aaeb02d-16c3-4405-bc41-80e83d196dff/service_keys",
    "routes_url": "/v2/service_instances/1aaeb02d-16c3-4405-bc41-80e83d196dff/routes",
    "shared_from_url": "/v2/service_instances/6da8d173-b409-4094-949f-3c1cc8a68503/shared_from",
    "shared_to_url": "/v2/service_instances/6da8d173-b409-4094-949f-3c1cc8a68503/shared_to"


Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Location: /v2/service_instances/1aaeb02d-16c3-4405-bc41-80e83d196dff
X-VCAP-Request-ID: eca4910d-213d-4fe3-a543-99c2e3dd45f8
Content-Length: 1234
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