Version Note:
These docs were last changed with
, and therefore they are up-to-date for CAPI version 2.255.0. The V2 API is considered stable, and further changes are not expected. For previous versions, see the
directory at
the desired version
Cloud Foundry API
V2 API Documentation Source Code
App Usage Events - Deprecated
The V2 App Usage Events resource is deprecated, please refer to the App Usage Events section of the
V3 Docs
List all App Usage Events
Purge and reseed App Usage Events
Retrieve a Particular App Usage Event
Apps - Deprecated
The V2 Apps resource is deprecated, please refer to the Apps section of the
V3 Docs
Associate Route with the App
Copy the app bits for an App
Creating a Docker App
Creating an App
Delete a Particular App
Downloads the bits for an App
Downloads the staged droplet for an App
Get App summary
Get detailed stats for a STARTED App
Get the env for an App
Get the instance information for a STARTED App
List all Apps
List all Routes for the App
List all Service Bindings for the App
Remove Route from the App
Remove Service Binding from the App (deprecated)
Restage an App
Retrieve a Particular App
Terminate the running App Instance at the given index
Updating an App
Uploads the bits for an App
Uploads the droplet for an App
Retrieving permissions on an App
Delete all blobs in the Buildpack cache blobstore
Buildpacks - Deprecated
The V2 Buildpacks resource is deprecated, please refer to the Buildpacks section of the
V3 Docs
Change the position of a Buildpack
Creates an admin Buildpack
Delete a Particular Buildpack
Enable or disable a Buildpack
List all Buildpacks
Lock or unlock a Buildpack
Assign a Buildpack to a Stack
Retrieve a Particular Buildpack
Upload the bits for an admin Buildpack
Domains - Deprecated
The V2 Domains resource is deprecated, please refer to the Domains section of the
V3 Docs
Create a Domain owned by the given Organization (deprecated)
Create a Shared Domain (deprecated)
Delete a Particular Domain (deprecated)
List all Domains (deprecated)
List all Spaces for the Domain (deprecated)
Retrieve a Particular Domain (deprecated)
Environment Variable Groups - Deprecated
The V2 Environment Variable Groups resource is deprecated, please refer to the Environment Variable Groups section of the
V3 Docs
Getting the contents of the running environment variable group
Getting the contents of the staging environment variable group
Updating the contents of the running environment variable group
Updating the contents of the staging environment variable group
Events - Deprecated
The V2 Events resource is deprecated, please refer to the Audit Events section of the
V3 Docs
List all Events
Retrieve a Particular Event
Feature Flags - Deprecated
The V2 Feature Flags resource is deprecated, please refer to the Feature Flags section of the
V3 Docs
Get all feature flags
Get the App Bits Upload feature flag
Get the App Scaling feature flag
Get the Diego Docker feature flag
Get the Environment Variable Visibility feature flag
Get the Hide Marketplace From Unauthenticated Users feature flag
Get the Private Domain Creation feature flag
Get the Resource Matching feature flag
Get the Route Creation feature flag
Get the Service Instance Creation feature flag
Get the Service Instance Sharing feature flag
Get the Set User Roles feature flag
Get the Space Developer Environment Variable Visibility feature flag (experimental)
Get the Space Scoped Private Broker Creation feature flag (experimental)
Get the Task Creation feature flag
Get the Unset User Roles feature flag
Get the User Org Creation feature flag
Set a feature flag
Files (removed)
Retrieve File
Get Info
Retrieve Job that is queued
Retrieve Job that was successful
Retrieve Job with known failure
Retrieve Job with unknown failure
Organization Quota Definitions - Deprecated
The V2 Organization Quota Definitions resource is deprecated, please refer to the Organization Quota section of the
V3 Docs
Creating a Organization Quota Definition
Delete a Particular Organization Quota Definition
List all Organization Quota Definitions
Retrieve a Particular Organization Quota Definition
Updating a Organization Quota Definition
Organizations - Deprecated
The V2 Organizations resource is deprecated, please refer to the Organizations section of the
V3 Docs
Associate Auditor with the Organization
Associate Auditor with the Organization by Username
Associate Billing Manager with the Organization
Associate Billing Manager with the Organization by Username
Associate Manager with the Organization
Associate Manager with the Organization by Username
Associate Private Domain with the Organization
Associate User with the Organization
Associate User with the Organization by Username
Creating an Organization
Delete a Particular Organization
Get Organization summary
List all Auditors for the Organization
List all Billing Managers for the Organization
List all Domains for the Organization (deprecated)
List all Managers for the Organization
List all Organizations
List all Private Domains for the Organization
List all Services for the Organization
List all Space Quota Definitions for the Organization
List all Spaces for the Organization
List all Users for the Organization
Remove Auditor from the Organization
Remove Auditor with the Organization by Username (DEPRECATED)
Remove Auditor from the Organization by Username
Remove Billing Manager from the Organization
Remove Billing Manager with the Organization by Username (DEPRECATED)
Remove Billing Manager from the Organization by Username
Remove Manager from the Organization
Remove Manager with the Organization by Username (DEPRECATED)
Remove Manager from the Organization by Username
Remove Private Domain from the Organization
Remove User from the Organization
Remove User with the Organization by Username (DEPRECATED)
Remove User from the Organization by Username
Retrieve a Particular Organization
Retrieving organization instance usage
Retrieving organization memory usage
Retrieving the roles of all Users in the Organization
Update an Organization
Private Domains - Deprecated
The V2 Private Domains resource is deprecated, please refer to the Domains section of the
V3 Docs
Create a Private Domain owned by the given Organization
Delete a Particular Private Domain
Filtering Private Domains by name
List all Private Domains
List all Shared Organizations for the Private Domain
Retrieve a Particular Private Domain
Resource Match - Deprecated
The V2 Resource Match resource is deprecated, please refer to the Resource Matches section of the
V3 Docs
List all matching resources
Routes - Deprecated
The V2 Routes resource is deprecated, please refer to the Routes section of the
V3 Docs
Associate App with the Route
Check a HTTP Route exists
Check a Route exists
Creating a Route
Delete a Particular Route
List all Apps for the Route
List all Route Mappings for the Route
List all Routes
Remove App from the Route
Retrieve a Particular Route
Update a Route
Route Mappings - Deprecated
The V2 Route Mappings resource is deprecated, please refer to the Routes section of the
V3 Docs
Delete a Particular Route Mapping
List all Route Mappings
Mapping an App and a Route
Retrieve a Particular Route Mapping
Security Group Running Defaults - Deprecated
The V2 Security Group Running Defaults resource is deprecated, please refer to the Security Groups section of the
V3 Docs
Removing a Security Group as a default for running Apps
Return the Security Groups used for running Apps
Set a Security Group as a default for running Apps
Security Group Staging Defaults - Deprecated
The V2 Security Group Staging Defaults resource is deprecated, please refer to the Security Groups section of the
V3 Docs
Removing a Security Group as a default for staging
Return the Security Groups used for staging
Set a Security Group as a default for staging
Security Groups - Deprecated
The V2 Security Groups resource is deprecated, please refer to the Security Groups section of the
V3 Docs
Associate Space with the Security Group
Associate Space with the Security Group for Staging
Creating a Security Group
Delete a Particular Security Group
List all Security Groups
List all Spaces for the Security Group
List all Staging Spaces for the Security Group
Remove Space from the Security Group
Remove Space from the Security Group for Staging
Retrieve a Particular Security Group
Updating a Security Group
Service Bindings - Deprecated
The V2 Service Bindings resource is deprecated, please refer to the Service Credential Bindings section of the
V3 Docs
Create a Service Binding
Delete a Particular Service Binding
List all Service Bindings
Retrieve a Particular Service Binding
Retrieve a Particular Service Binding's Parameters
Service Brokers - Deprecated
The V2 Service Brokers resource is deprecated, please refer to the Service Brokers section of the
V3 Docs
Create a Service Broker
Delete a Particular Service Broker
List all Service Brokers
Retrieve a Particular Service Broker
Update a Service Broker
Service Instances - Deprecated
The V2 Service Instances resource is deprecated, please refer to the Service Instances section of the
V3 Docs
Binding a Service Instance to a Route
Creating a Service Instance
Delete a Service Instance
List all Routes for the Service Instance
List all Service Bindings for the Service Instance
List all Service Instances
List all Service Keys for the Service Instance
Retrieve a Particular Service Instance
Retrieve a Particular Service Instance's Parameters
Retrieve a Particular Route Binding's Parameters
Retrieving permissions on a Service Instance
Retrieve Information Regarding Where a Service Instance is Shared From
Retrieve Information Regarding Where a Service Instance is Shared To
Unbinding a service instance from a route
Update a Service Instance
Service Keys - Deprecated
The V2 Service Keys resource is deprecated, please refer to the Service Credential Bindings section of the
V3 Docs
Create a Service Key
Delete a Particular Service Key
List all Service Keys
Retrieve a Particular Service Key
Service Plan Visibilities - Deprecated
The V2 Service Plan Visibilities resource is deprecated, please refer to the Service Plan Visibility section of the
V3 Docs
Creating a Service Plan Visibility
Delete a Particular Service Plan Visibilities
List all Service Plan Visibilities
Retrieve a Particular Service Plan Visibility
Updating a Service Plan Visibility
Service Plans - Deprecated
The V2 Service Plans resource is deprecated, please refer to the Service Plans section of the
V3 Docs
Delete a Particular Service Plans
List all Service Instances for the Service Plan
List all Service Plans
Retrieve a Particular Service Plan
Updating a Service Plan
Service Usage Events - Deprecated
The V2 Service Usage Events resource is deprecated, please refer to the Service Usage Events section of the
V3 Docs
List Service Usage Events
Purge and reseed Service Usage Events
Retrieve a Particular Service Usage Event
Services - Deprecated
The V2 Services resource is deprecated, please refer to the Service Offerings section of the
V3 Docs
Delete a Particular Service
List all Service Plans for the Service
List all Services
Retrieve a Particular Service
Shared Domains - Deprecated
The V2 Shared Domains resource is deprecated, please refer to the Domains section of the
V3 Docs
Create a Shared Domain
Delete a Particular Shared Domain
Filtering Shared Domains by name
List all Shared Domains
Retrieve a Particular Shared Domain
Space Quota Definitions - Deprecated
The V2 Space Quota Definitions resource is deprecated, please refer to the Space Quota section of the
V3 Docs
Associate Space with the Space Quota Definition
Creating a Space Quota Definition
Delete a Particular Space Quota Definition
List all Space Quota Definitions
List all Spaces for the Space Quota Definition
Remove Space from the Space Quota Definition
Retrieve a Particular Space Quota Definition
Updating a Space Quota Definition
Spaces - Deprecated
The V2 Spaces resource is deprecated, please refer to the Spaces section of the
V3 Docs
Associate Auditor with the Space
Associate Auditor with the Space by Username
Associate Developer with the Space
Associate Developer with the Space by Username
Associate Manager with the Space
Associate Manager with the Space by Username
Associate Security Group with the Space
Associate Security Group with the Space for staging
Creating a Space
Delete a Particular Space
Delete Unmapped Routes
Get Space summary
List all Apps for the Space
List all Auditors for the Space
List all Developers for the Space
List all Domains for the Space (deprecated)
List all Events for the Space
List all Managers for the Space
List all Routes for the Space
List all Security Groups for the Space
List all Staging Security Groups for the Space
List all Service Instances for the Space
List all Services for the Space
List all Spaces
Remove Auditor from the Space
Remove Auditor with the Space by Username (DEPRECATED)
Remove Auditor from the Space by Username
Remove Developer from the Space
Remove Developer with the Space by Username (DEPRECATED)
Remove Developer from the Space by Username
Remove Manager from the Space
Remove Manager with the Space by Username (DEPRECATED)
Remove Manager from the Space by Username
Remove Security Group from the Space
Remove Security Group from the Space for staging
Retrieve a Particular Space
Retrieving the roles of all Users in the Space
Update a Space
Stacks - Deprecated
The V2 Stacks resource is deprecated, please refer to the Stacks section of the
V3 Docs
Create a Stack
Delete a Particular Stack
List all Stacks
Retrieve a Particular Stack
User Provided Service Instances - Deprecated
The V2 User Provided Service Instances resource is deprecated, please refer to the Service Instances section of the
V3 Docs
Associate Route with the User Provided Service Instance
Creating a User Provided Service Instance
Delete a Particular User Provided Service Instance
List all Routes for the User Provided Service Instance
List all Service Bindings for the User Provided Service Instance
List all User Provided Service Instances
Remove Route from the User Provided Service Instance
Retrieve a Particular User Provided Service Instance
Updating a User Provided Service Instance
Users - Deprecated
The V2 Users resource is deprecated, please refer to the Users section of the
V3 docs
Associate Audited Organization with the User
Associate Audited Space with the User
Associate Billing Managed Organization with the User
Associate Managed Organization with the User
Associate Managed Space with the User
Associate Organization with the User
Associate Space with the User
Creating a User
Delete a Particular User
Get User summary
List all Audited Organizations for the User
List all Audited Spaces for the User
List all Billing Managed Organizations for the User
List all Managed Organizations for the User
List all Managed Spaces for the User
List all Organizations for the User
List all Spaces for the User
List all Users
Remove Audited Organization from the User
Remove Audited Space from the User
Remove Billing Managed Organization from the User
Remove Managed Organization from the User
Remove Managed Space from the User
Remove Organization from the User
Remove Space from the User
Retrieve a Particular User
Updating a User